Monday, October 7, 2013

DIY Tricks & Treats Halloween Sheet Music

Here's a quick and easy Halloween project I whipped up last night. All you need is some sheet music, a printer and your computer.
First choose a creepy font to spell our tricks and treats.  I found mine on
Then head on over to The Graphics Fairy for this great, vintage hand image.  I had it saved on my computer.  Next, you'll want to print out the text first so you can line it up with the hand.  I did this a few times on blank paper before adding my sheet music.
Once everything is lined up the way you like it, add your sheet music to your printer.  First I printed out the text and then put the sheet music through again for the hand.  I'm using clipboards to display mine but you could easily add these to a window or mantel.

Super easy and super cute for Halloween!

Linking to The Graphics Fairy: Brag Monday and Between Naps on the Porch: Met Monday.



  1. Clever idea!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.


  2. Love seeing a clever project like this!! I certainly have lots of old sheet music around. Thanks for the cute idea!

  3. Very cute! I like how you reversed the hand for the second one, too.

  4. Isn't this fun! I just started playing around with the graphics fairy stuff~pretty addictive! LOVE the sheet music idea!

  5. This is awesome!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  6. I found you over at Brag Monday Linky Party. These are awesome!!!


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