Thursday, October 17, 2013

Upcycled Sled

I picked up this vintage sled at a garage sale over the summer for $2.  It's actually one of two that I scored over the summer.  I put the finishing touches on it yesterday and here it is ready for the holiday season.
I started by giving it a few coats of red paint.  The wood is so old that it soaked up the paint in seconds.  I lost count after 4-5 sprays. I let it dry for a few days.
The wood letters are from AC Moore.  I gave them a couple of coats of white acrylic paint before gluing them to the front.
This little touch of pine cones, leaves and berries is from Walmart. Yes, Walmart already has its holiday items out!
I can't wait to add this to our porch in December!  Cute story: this morning my 8 year old took a look at it, said he liked it and then promptly pointed out that it's not Christmas yet.  Out of the mouths of babes!



  1. Very pretty! It's a good size, too, so it will really stand out nice on your porch. I'm going to play around with the ice skates I found at a yard sale this Summer {mainly because they are in my way}, but at least we will be ready once it is time to decorate!

  2. This is really cute, and boy you are on top of things for Christmas! Great addition to your decor!


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