Friday, December 27, 2013

Tag Happy

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!  Believe it or not, our decorations are down and already packed away.  We're gearing up for some much-needed home improvements and can't spare a moment.  I was able to get a few items done and added to my Etsy shop before the madness ensues.
Tags, tags and more tags!  French ones.
Religious ones.
And yes, even Valentine's Day ones.

That's all I've been able to get to.  The hubby is home until January 2nd and I've got to use the extra set of hands while I can.  New carpeting coming tomorrow.  A livingroom and diningroom await fresh coats of paint.  And don't even get me started on the clutter.

I'm determined to start 2014 organized!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are way ahead of the game! I would love to take our decorations down now, but hubby likes them to stay up thru New Year's day. Love your tags!!! Have fun with your home improvement projects!


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