Thursday, January 2, 2014

Upcycled Bread Crumbs Container Turned Valentine's Day Decor

Hope everyone's new year is off to a wonderful start!  We're expecting a blizzard here tomorrow - yikes!  Until then, I'm busy making some Valentine's Day goodies already.  I used a bread crumb container for this one.
First, I wrapped some vintage sheet music around the container to hide the original label.  Then I added the lovely Valentine's Day image (courtesy of The Graphics Fairy) to the front.  I sprinkled on some glitter in random spots to give it a little bling.
I used some seam binding to tie around the top and added one of my LOVE clothes pins.
Finally, I dug through my BINGO stash to find the chip with 14 on it.  I lucked out - it was the third piece I picked up!  I glued it onto the front.

Now I have a sweet new decoration for Valentine's Day!

Jeanine 1.
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  1. I love it! The graphic is perfect, I've used that one before. And any project involving glitter and vintage sheet music is right up my alley! Sounds like you are going to get the blizzard that's still hitting us!!

  2. This is adorable! I know you will enjoy it very much! Stay warm! We're knee deep in snow here in Indiana now.

  3. Very pretty! A great recycling project, too.

    We've had snow all day, plus it's windy and blowing around. I stayed in and did some sewing.


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