Saturday, February 15, 2014

Playing with Matches

So what do you do when you're snowed in yet again with more of the white stuff in the forecast?  In between climbing the walls, I made some Frenchy matchbooks.
I broke out some French paper and printed off these beautiful images from the Graphics Fairy.
Simple white matchbooks suddenly become more interesting and almost too pretty to use.
Of course the hubby isn't too pleased with his now "girly" matchbooks.
But to me they are just perfect!

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  1. Very pretty! I would hate to use them, too. Although, I do like my big box matches covered because I leave the box out to light my candles.

    P.S. She stopped doing Brag Monday. : (

  2. Ooh these are so pretty. I would love to have a big bowl full of these sitting in my dining room!
    Since I'm down to buying legs at auctions and painting them, I'd say you've made better use of your creative time than me!



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