Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Adding Pretty To The...

...Toilet tank.  Yes, I'm posting about adding some pretty to our toilet tank.  We only have one bathroom in our four bedroom cape, and to call it outdated would be an understatement.  I like to say it's retro, but I'm also the first to admit, it's plain ugly.  So I dress it up in random spots to take away from the ugly.
I was flipping through an old issue of Country Living when I saw an apothecary jar filled with soaps.  That got the wheels turning.  (Ugly alert: check out the circa 1950s pink tiles - yuck!)
I usually have an upcycled wood tote filled with French goodies on the tank.  It's been a safe choice considering we have two boys under 9 in the house.  I know I'm pushing the envelope adding glass pieces, but they promised to be careful.
A small jar filled with some of my Paris and Marie Antoinette clothes pins.
This jar is filled with some scented egg soaps.  I take it out every Easter.  Since it fit with the glass theme, I added it to the tank too.
Overall, I'm happy with the look.  I'm sure it will change with a moment's notice should the hubby have to get into the tank.  Until then, I'll enjoy my new touches in our one and only ugly bathroom.


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  1. Glass is always a pretty addition to any vignette. I'm sure they will be okay. I think it would be different if they slammed down the seat and lid!

  2. I just love your jars, Jeanine! It's so fun changing out the contents, isn't it? We have a pink tiled bath just like yours, it's the guest bath. And I actually love it!

  3. The glass is a pretty touch and I am sure will be fine. They look gorgeous with the tile background in pink.
    I display these too on my master tub. Have a great day.

  4. Oh- It's pretty. There are some gals out there that would LOVE to have those pink tiles!;>)

    Did you know that you can paint them and they hold up beautifully? I have painted tiles in at least 7 or 8 different homes and the paints works wonders and lasts. xo Diana


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