Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Birdcage Makeover

Remember that birdcage that got a bit icky after being left out all winter?  Well, I was able to get in some painting yesterday and here it is now:
It took quite a few coats of paint to cover up the rust, but now it looks fresh and clean again.
The bottom was a bit crusty - even after re-painting it - so I covered that up with some faux moss.  The stack of books are vintage bibles I picked up over the years at various garage sales.
The little bird on top is from the Dollar Store.  I wish they still sold them because they are adorable!

It's perched right now in the tea room until I find a more permanent home for it.


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  1. Thanks for leaving me a comment on my blog. I am your newest follower and I will put you on my sidebar right away! xo Diana

  2. So pretty and I love how you added the books. Love the cage, what a great accent. Bird cages are a favorite of mine.
    Have a great day.

  3. It's gorgeous! Of course, a little rust peeking through is fine with me!

  4. This is so pretty. I love how you added the moss and the old bibles and bird. Love it!



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