Tuesday, April 1, 2014


It seems spring has finally sprung in my neck of the woods.  After a kind of freaky snow/slush mess yesterday, we have beautiful blue skies today and our yard is slowly waking up!
Our tulips and daffodils are popping up all over the yard.
I'm not sure what these little white flowers are.  I do know they are poisonous and oh-so-pretty.
Love this touch of color!  I even opened up the tea room to let some air in.
Of course we did have a few casualties this winter.  This little cherub didn't make it.  
His little head is the only thing that's left.  Poor guy.
And she lost her twin - although I think that happened a couple of years ago.

I'm just happy that warmer days are here...finally!



  1. You'll have to save that cherub head and do something with it for Halloween! : ) All we've got are some green sprouts, but I guess that is something.

  2. It's looking like spring at your house! Wish my flowers would start popping up! Those little white flowers are called snowdrops. They're so pretty! Love your tea room! Show us more of it someday:)

  3. So glad finally to be warming up here too and seeing some spring come to the garden. Looks like you are going to have some beautiful flowers as they pop through the soil. Enjoy and
    Happy Spring.

  4. So fun seeing things come up in the garden again. Love your garden and tea room, Jeanine!
    Enjoy getting out in the sunshine,

  5. Wow..you are so much farther ahead that we are…I can barely see a peek of green! Can't wait for spring flowers - your tea room looks so quaint!


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