Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Vintage Bulb Planter Turned Photo Holder

I picked up a vintage metal bulb planter at a local garage sale last summer.  I wanted to give it a quick makeover and a new purpose: a photo holder.
I didn't think to take a before picture - boo!  This is a side view so you can see that it is indeed a bulb planter.
I started by giving it a few coats of white spray paint.  Once the paint was dry, I used my hot glue gun to add some grungy clips to each side of the tool.
I also added some vintage French book paper to the bottom.
I love that I can hang photos from either side and it's skinny enough to fit on teeny tiny shelves or other spaces.  


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  1. Oh my gosh! What a fun and creative transformation of a bulb planter! I love the Frenchy touch you added. You even could use it on the kitchen counter to hold a recipe card!

  2. Ooh La La, so French!! You are genius, it's simple and useful.

    I'm in love with any clip of any kind.

  3. What a great idea for the bulb planter. Your gave it such a chic look. Love it.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great weekend.


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