Thursday, May 22, 2014

Are You on Instagram?

I joined Instagram a couple of months ago when we upgraded our phones.  Needless to say, it has become quite addicting!  I love how you can jazz up your photos before posting.  You can take a photo like this.
And turn it into something like this.
See the difference?  A girl could go crazy with all of the photo options.  (By the way, these are some Frenchy peat pots I made earlier this week using paint and some rubber stamps.)

If you're on Instagram, let me know as I'd love to follow you!

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  1. I love Instagram too. We went to Ireland back in the Fall and I used it to let our kids know where we were and what we were up to. I'm following you!

  2. Hey Jeanine,
    I love your peat pots...very Frenchy.

    Yes, I'm on Instagram under Rhonda French or go to my blog and click on the Instagram button.

    I am going to follow you, too!

  3. I don't do Instagram. I am afraid I would be addicted to it. lol Same reason I have been staying away from Pinterest!
    Those peat pots look great! xo Diana


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