Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Giveaway: Graf & Lantz Keychain!

**This giveaway is now closed.**

It's been a while since I've done a giveaway, and this is a super cute one!
I recently received two of these adorable key chains from Graf & Lantz. Handcrafted in Los Angeles (I love, love, love when something is made in America!), these whimsical key chains are made from Merino wool felt.  Yes, felt.  But you wouldn't know it. They are flexible, yet sturdy and seriously, how cute are these designs????
The designers, Holger Graf and Daniel Lantz are "influenced by the constant intersection of opposites in the world, their aesthetic is thoughtful and functional, combining the disciplines of both East and West into subtle, minimal design.  They set out to sculpt the world's oldest fabric into modern and unexpected forms, crafting a definitive collection of accessories, handbags and more."  Sounds good to me!

Now onto the good stuff...To enter to win either the skull or dog bone:

1. Become a follower of OkioBDesigns or let me know in a comment that you already are and which design you'd choose (skull or dog bone);

You can gain additional entries by:

1. Like Okio B Designs on Facebook and let me know in a comment you did;

2. Follow @okiobdesigns on Twitter and let me know in a comment you did;

3. Follow okiobdesigns on Instagram and let me know in a comment you did;

4. Blog/tweet/Facebook about this giveaway and let me know in a comment you did.

Open to U.S. residents only (sorry!).  I'll pick a winner via on Friday, July 18, 2014 at 5 p.m. EST.

Good luck!


**I was provided product samples for review, however, opinions stated are my own.**
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  1. I would love to win the Skull key chain. How creative !! I love it!!

  2. I am a follower. I like the bone one.

  3. Cute and functional. I have dogs so I would have to say "bone".
    Following your blog gives me wonderful ideas. Thank you.

  4. Love both - but would go for dog bone in honor of "Tye" and "Molly", my babies!

  5. Love these Jeanine! I'd like the dog bone!

  6. How cute! I never would have guessed they were made of felt. The dog is my favorite! Thanks for the chance to win:)


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