Monday, September 29, 2014

And So It Begins...

We had a four-day weekend in our neck of the woods.  In between soccer practice, cub scouts and playdates, I didn't have any time for crafting.  I got nothing.  But I did start playing around with some Halloween decorations.
I know, super early but there are only 32 days til Halloween.  I hand-stamped some creepy words on this book stack.  I picked up the books from our local thrift store.
Black bottles and the candlesticks I've shared before.
This vintage typewriter never moves.  I decorate it too!
Some pieces from last year - including the wicked frame.
Found a home for my printer's tray.
And my favorite straws, pencils and bottles.

Hoping to get back to some other projects this week.

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  1. Very cute! It all looks Halloweeny (if that's a word). I'll probably get my Halloween stuff out (the bit I put out) later this week since it will officially be October. I like to get at least the month out of the decorations.

    Sending you an email. : )

  2. Your Halloween decorating is the best I've seen. Love how you use everyday items and give them a spooky look. The stamps on the book pages is a great idea.
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Have a great week.


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