Friday, September 5, 2014

Sister-Inspired Halloween Banner

Have you seen the great Halloween banners my sister, Kathy from Creative Home Expressions has in her Etsy shop?  She had some last year that I loved but they sold out quickly.  Rats!  (She has since added more!) So, over the summer I picked up a canvas banner from Hobby Lobby so I could copycat a Halloween banner for fall.
I purchased the skull images from Graphique (my fave digital download shop!) on Etsy, and used TAP paper to iron them on my canvas.
Then I had to hunt down a stick from the garage.  Found one the kids used for roasting marshmallows last year (sssssh!).  It was pretty clean but I have to have my hubby cut the stick down to size. I used twine for my "hanger."
I also added some orange and black tea-stained seam binding like Kathy did.  I feel like it's missing some wording or another image so I may add something to the upper right corner.  Overall, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.  Thanks to my sister for the Halloween inspiration!


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