Monday, September 1, 2014

Vintage-Inspired Halloween Flash Cards

I couldn't find any vintage Halloween-ish flash cards on Etsy or eBay that I liked.  Some were too expensive.  Others didn't have the exact words I was looking for.  So I made my own.
I did a search for vintage flash card fonts and came upon this one called UglyQua.  I downloaded it to my computer and started using it in a simple word document.
Of course, I examined some vintage cards first to get the wording and numbers just right.
I printed them out onto beige cardstock and cut them to the size I wanted.  I distressed the edges to give them a more vintage feel.

Originally I wanted to do them to have something creepy displayed on my vintage typewriters, but now I'm thinking they'd work well for a nice Halloween banner.  What do you think?!

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  1. They are wonderful and turned out great. They would be perfect for a Halloween banner.
    Happy September!


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