Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Walmart Skeleton Keys for White Wednesday

It's beginning to look a lot like Walmart.  I stopped in there yesterday and grabbed some of their skeleton key ornaments ($1.97 each).  You can see the before picture on my Instagram - kind of a gunmetal color.  I decided to give them a Frenchie makeover.
I gave each a couple of coats of spray paint.  It was actually pretty mild here today, so I was able to get some outdoor painting in.
While the paint was drying, I made some pendants using some French dictionary paper.  One reads joyeux and the other noel.  I also hand-stamped an enamel tag with a festive star.
Because I removed the thread used to hang the keys before painting them, I had to find something else to hang them with.  Some vintage lace to the rescue!
I then used some grungy red safety pins to attach my pendants and tag to the lace.
I can't wait to hang these for the holidays!  What's nice is I can switch out the pendants to use them for other holidays or if I decide to keep them displayed all year.

Happy White Wednesday!

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  1. They're darling...I think sometimes we forget that vintage isn't the only things you can repurpose...nicely done!!

  2. Very cute!!
    This would be a great idea for fillers for my space at our white show!

  3. What a great project. Love the pendants you added. It is amazing what can be found at Walmart in the seasonal aisle.


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