Monday, November 3, 2014

Weekend's Thrifty Finds

My favorite church thrift store had a holiday fair over the weekend. It's like one giant garage sale and I always find some great pieces. This year did not disappoint.  
I spent about $6 on everything and my haul included some festive fabric squares and this wood desk top.
I also grabbed these bags of Poly-Fil.  One (wo)man's half full bag of Poly-Fil is my treasure!
I never pass up holiday gift labels.  These were 50 cents each. They will definitely come in handy!
I'm most excited about this wood piece.  I'm planning to paint it white and add a pretty French graphic to the top.

It supposed to get warmer again here this week and I plan on making the most of it in terms of outdoor painting.  Stay tuned for the after!



  1. Hi Jeanine! What great finds! I can hardly wait to see the end-results! Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

  2. You found some great stuff. Love the lap desk. I'll bet that will look really pretty made over.

  3. Great finds!! You aren't going to believe this, I just found one of those writing desks recently too. Great minds think alike I suppose.
    Church sales are the best.
    Have fun.


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