Friday, December 12, 2014

Reindeer Printable

Found this cutie on Pinterest.  I printed it onto vintage sheet music and added it to a frame.  I forgot the site it's originally from, but if you search for reindeer silhouette on Pinterest, it should come up. It's free!

And P.S., if you've noticed my posts lately have been short and sweet, it's because I've been having serious computer issues.  Boo!
I did a system restore yesterday and all seems to be okay now - fingers crossed. 

Between my computer and the horrible weather here, I haven't been able to create anything worth blogging about.  I'm going to recharge over the weekend and hopefully have better luck next week.



  1. I am so getting into the dear heads and antlers they look so Nordic. Love it printed onto the sheet music it really adds to a holiday theme. You could even had reduced it and then printed it out on notecards and create your own Christmas card, perhaps to late this year but could do your own on this line of art for next year.
    I am really big on ephemera art and create pieces using this form often.

    Looking forward to what's next in your creative self :)

    A Joyeux Noël


  2. I love the deer and this is a great project. I too have decorated with deer the last two years. Sorry to hear about your computer troubles. I've been there and I know it's no fun. Hope all is fine now and you have a great week ahead.
    Have a nice weekend.


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