Thursday, December 18, 2014

Religious Tags

I can't believe Christmas is just days away.  I am scrambling to wrap presents, plan my Christmas eve menu and attend my boys' class parties.  
Even though I closed my Etsy shop for the holidays on Monday, I've been stealing some time to create some new items that I'll be adding after Christmas.
I found these great vintage religious images and thought they'd make for some pretty tags.
I added some tiny rhinestones and vintage lace, and then distressed the edges.  I'll be adding these to my shop after Christmas.



  1. You are a busy girl, Jeanine. I can't believe we are only a week away from Christmas. sigh. Have a great night- xo Diana

  2. Love your tags for your shop after Christmas. I vacationed my shop too or my head would have exploded to keep up. LOL But I am inspired by your time to fit in some creating to list after the holiday. Try as I might, I never get that accomplished.
    Enjoy all the festivities with your family.
    Merry Christmas

  3. The tags are so pretty, Jeanine! Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Blessings from Bama!


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