Friday, January 23, 2015

Vintage Lace & Bottles

You know you have a craft problem when you buy bottles of lemonade at the supermarket because you're already thinking of ways to embellish them.
In my defense, it was on sale and quite tasty.  Still, the beauty of the bottle was calling to me.
Thoughts of dressing them up with vintage lace and adding French touches made me giddy in the soft drink aisle.  
So out came the vintage lace, while chugging the Strawberry and Blackberry flavors.  
I'm down to one full bottle - plain ol' lemonade.  I'm sure I'll finish it before the end of the day.
Dare I go back and buy more or is that just plain crazy?



  1. Oh I have done the same thing and especially if the bottles are cobalt blue,
    Yes go back and get some more bottles LOL
    It is so much fun seeing your pretty bottles all decorated up with the old lace and rhinestones

  2. Heck no! You're not more!
    I've been known to buy something just to have the empty bottle.
    diane @ thoughts and shots

  3. Your not are just creatively crazy!!!! LOL! I love your bottle designs and I've been guilty of the same.


  4. Lovely bottles Jeanine! I never thought to do this! I really like the crown! Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

  5. Oh I love your lacey bottles. I do the same thing anytime I purchase a glass bottle. Thinking of ways to redesign them. It's so funny we always seem to be creating along the same lines. I just finished a bunch and in the process of listing them right now on etsy. LOL
    Oh well, great minds think alike!!
    Have a nice weekend.

  6. Very pretty! Don't get a stomach ache drinking all that lemonade! : )

  7. Not crazy at all when you can make them look like that. I say buy a whole case! LOL.


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