Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday's Thrifty Finds

Today's haul set me back a whole $5.50!
Not sure what is up with my camera with the glare, but I think you can make out these two ceramic bunnies.  The perfect size to fit under a cloche!
I had a cake tray in my hand at Home Goods last week, but put it back down.  This one was only $2.  I couldn't pass up the mismatched salt & pepper shakers.  They let me have them for 50 cents.
I always grab old dictionaries when I'm thrifting.  They are great for ephemera and random projects.  I'm very particular though with dictionaries.  They can't have the thumb tabs.  These didn't; so I grabbed both!

Super happy with my finds!



  1. Wonderful finds, Jeanine. I especially love the bunnies. :)
    Happy Spring,

  2. Great haul! I am always taken with dictionaries, too, although I don't use the pages that often for my crafting right now.

  3. Hi Jeanine! Those are some really great finds! I love the cake plate! I never see good stuff like that around here. I guess I don't shop at the right time. Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

  4. Great bargains!! I wish i lived closer to you - you always seem to find the best deals….and funny thing, i prefer the dictionaries with finger tabs!!


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