Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Tea Room is Open!

Finally!  Need I say more?  Spring has finally gotten its act together here and we were able to get some outside work done over the weekend. Tops on my list was getting my tea room cleaned up.
I moved some things around in between dusting and vacuuming.  I used to have a stack of white suitcases under the mirror. Unfortunately, they got a bit moldy so I'm trying to figure out whether to clean and re-spray them or toss them and start over.
This bench took up a lot of space in there.  Now, it's on my porch.
I also moved these around.  Both had been tucked into corners but now they are more accessible.
This little table and chairs set is now where the suitcases used to be.
And I found a bunch of stuff that needs some sprucing up paint-wise - starting with these baskets.  They have to be cleaned (lots of spider webs) and given a fresh coat or two of white paint.
This little step stool also needs fresh coats of paint.  I'd like to get a French image on the top.
The sticker on this bottle peeled right off when I picked it up.  It'll get a new one.  The little cherub bowl also needs some paint.

I guess I have a lot of work ahead of me!



  1. Love your tea room! I hope we get to spend some of my visit in there when I come in June! : )

  2. So glad that spring has sprung in your area. Love your tearoom. What an incredible spot to enjoy warmer days. You have some great treasures in your displays too. Love the black and white floor.
    Happy Spring.

  3. What a sweet place to sit and enjoy Spring and summer!

  4. What a beautiful space! I bet you have so much fun spending time in there. Love all of your spruce ups:)


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