Thursday, April 23, 2015

Upcycled Picnic Basket

This is actually the second time I've upcycled this picnic basket. When I first got it a few years ago at a garage sale, I painted it white.
But after years in the tea room, it got quite grungy.  Over the weekend, I gave it a few coats of pink, spray chalk paint.  Then I agonized over what else to add to it.  Use the Mod Podge method? Break out some waterslide paper?  
I went simple and just stenciled the word PARIS on the front.  I used a black Sharpie and then lightly sanded over it when it was dry.
I added a Frenchy tag with tea-stained seam binding to one of the handles.
Sometimes it pays to keep it simple!  It's back in the tea room now. 



  1. Perfect! Sometimes that decision of what else to add is so hard to make. So many choices, but I absolutely love what you did!

  2. I love it pink! Is it chalkboard paint? Or actual chalk paint you sprayed it with (I didn't know there was such a thing!)?

  3. Such a lovely color to freshen up your basket! Love the stencil too. Paris dresses up anything! Haha! So nice that you stopped by for a visit! Happy weekend!

  4. This is so pretty in pink with just the word Paris. Beautiful redesign.
    Hugs, CM

  5. You are right - sometimes simple is best...that is just DARLING!!!! xo Diana

  6. Very sweet. I haven't tried spray chalk paint as of yet but I like how your piece turned out.



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