Saturday, July 25, 2015

Shopping the House

Sometimes it pays to "shop" your house.  
Case in point, I found this ironstone tray in my basement during the week.  
At least I think its ironstone.  These are the markings on the back. (The previous owners left a lot of old treasures in the house.)
Anywho, I brought it upstairs, gave it a good cleaning and pondered what to do with it next.  A quick trip to Marshalls solved the problem.  I picked up this little crate with faux greens in it. Perfect!
While at Marshalls, I also picked up what could quite possibly be the cutest summer straws ever.  There were $1.50 on clearance. Woo hoo!  Can you see the little crabs????
And a trip to my local Marshalls wouldn't be complete without a trip to the Dollar Store, which is right next door.  They already have autumn items out.  Yes, I picked up two pumpkins in July. Please don't judge me.



  1. Oh I love that tray I would hang it up it is so pretty but it also looks good the way it is

  2. Hi Jeanine, yes it pays to shop the house. I forget what I have put away sometime and it's a little surprise when I find them again. Love those summer straws and the pumpkins are like a few I also have. Now's the time to pick them up. I do the same thing.
    Love the gorgeous tray plate from the basement. Teamed with the greens, it's a great look!
    Have a nice Sunday!

  3. Not only do I shop my home but others do as well, lie.
    Love your ideas.


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