Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Back-To-School Vignette

We have a week and a half to go before school starts here and much to my boys' chagrin, I created a little back-to-school vignette. 
Of course, the pieces I used sadly can't be found in any classrooms today.
I have everything displayed on the vintage desk we have in the dining room.  The vintage cursive image is from the Graphics Fairy.  Everything else I already had in the house.
I added the vintage ink well and grungy Scrabble tiles to a cloche I have propped on a stack of old Bobsey Twins books.
I picked up the thermos last week at a garage sale.  There's a debate in the house as to whether the little salt shaker looks like a tomato or an apple.  It's actually a tomato but I'm using it as an apple.
I even found a French instruire (to teach, instruct) flashcard in my stash to display.

Sorry boys, but Mommy loves her little back-to-school vignette.



  1. Hi Jeanine, love your school days vignette. Special treasures make it perfect. Love how you pull your displays together. You are so talented!! cm

  2. scrabble word finder
    Thanks for stopping by and sharing the love. I appreciate that!


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