Monday, September 28, 2015

Halloween Touches

What do you do when you're having a really bad day?  You do something that makes you happy.  And for me, that means putting out some Halloween touches.
I call it Halloween-therapy.
The boys were at school.  The hubby was at work.  The house was quiet.  I got to lose myself for a little while as I was dressing up our corner hutch.
I try to change things up from how I did them last year.  Some pieces remain in place - like the vintage Underwood typewriter.
Some pieces, I've had for years.
I also created this simple banner that I have hanging in our dining room.  I still need to add some ravens to each end.

I definitely felt much better once I had everything in its place.



  1. Hi Jeanine, well it is great therapy to decorate and your Halloween display is awesome. Love all your special touches. The banner is fabulous. I bet your family came home and enjoyed seeing what you created for the season.
    Thanks for sharing and always the inspiration.

  2. Well, it looks like you are good to go for Halloween! : ) I will be sending the boys bags out soon and I'll give you a heads up when they are on their way. I'm glad you were feeling better after your Halloween decorating.


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