Thursday, September 17, 2015

What I've Been Working On

Much like my blog, I woefully neglected my Etsy shop this summer.  Now that my boys are back at school, I have a bit more time to devote to both.
I whipped up some cute silhouette tags earlier this week.  
I really adore making tags.  It's how I started my crafting endeavors years ago.
Don't kill me, but yes, I've started making Christmas items.  It may be too early in the blog world, but in the Etsy world, you've got to be a few months ahead.
I really love how these Santa postcards came out.

Best of all, I had everything I needed already on hand.  And it felt good to get the creative juices flowing again.



  1. Jeanine - Love your tags! It's really not too early to start on Christmas items. I too, have completely neglected my Etsy shop this summer and must get busy or it will be too late.


  2. Very pretty! Send some of your motivation my way - not only do I have to get moving on stuff for my Etsy, but I've got that Dickens Gift Shop to put stuff in, too. I've got stuff ready to sew, I just have really felt very motivated to sew it!

  3. Hi Jeanine, Your tags are awesome. Love them all and you are smart to start early. I've been working on Christmas for some time now or I'll not get it done for the etsy shop. Have fun!!

  4. Cute tags! While I am not in the mood for Christmas til, well, Christmas, it's never too early to start creating!!


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