Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Gifts That Give Back + A Giveaway

**This giveaway is closed.**
Who doesn't love gifts that give back?  Every holiday season I try to pay it forward in some small way, so when the folks at World Vision reached out regarding their Christmas catalog, how could I not help spread the word?
Each item in the World Vision catalog (or click on the link to go directly to their site) literally helps save lives by lifting children and families out of poverty.  Seriously, you can make a donation of $100 to provide a family with 8 chickens.  Or you can purchase hand-crafted items, like this beautiful turquoise bracelet, and the money helps poverty-stricken families.
And how beautiful is this hand-crafted necklace...
With matching earrings?
Since 1996, the World Vision Gift Catalog has grown in popularity as a gift-giving alternative.  Last year alone, more than 822,000 people were helped through funds generated by the Catalog.

The Company is so generous that it is allowing me to offer a turquoise necklace to one lucky winner.  All you have to do to enter is:

1. Become a follower of my blog or let me know in a comment that you already are;

2. Like World Vision on Facebook (just click on link) or follow them on Twitter (just click on word Twitter).

That's it.  Super simple, right?  I'll pick a winner on Friday, November 27th at 5 p.m. EST.  Open to US residents only (sorry!).

Good luck!  Meanwhile, I have my eye on some ducks from the catalog...


Note: I received a product sample from World Vision, however all opinions and text are my own.


  1. I follow you via email, and I like World Vision on Facebook and Twitter :)
    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
    Erin Ellis
    ErinLoves2Run at gmail dot com

  2. Follow your Blog!

  3. Follow World Vision on Twitter as @aktheartist63 and Facebook

  4. What a beautiful giveaway for a very worthy cause. Thank you for the opportunity to enter. I am of course along time follower.
    I will like on FB too.
    Happy Thanksgiving! xo

  5. I follow and would love to win.
    This is a wonderful cause.
    Happy Thanksgiving

  6. Follow your blog via email and Follow World Vision on Facebook


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