Monday, November 16, 2015

Holiday Goodness From Ikea

I popped into Ikea yesterday to scope out living room chairs.  I left without the chairs, but look at all these holiday goodies I picked up.
I had to stop myself from buying out the entire Christmas section of the store.  Seriously, there is so much holiday cuteness there this year.
I plan to use these on my dining room table.  Can't you see them filled with tiny glass ornaments?
I couldn't resist these little fabric snowmen.  They are even more adorable in person.
These metal stars hold star candles of course, but you could also use them for pillars.  They come in red and gray.
My Ikea is only 15 minutes away, but if you live farther it's definitely worth the trip this holiday season!



  1. Love all your holiday bits. The snowmen are super cute.

  2. The only time I get to Ikea is when I go to Cape Cod...There is one in my home town and I wish i lived closer. Love the little snowmen!! And the lanterns are perfect....last year I gave a few red Ikea lanterns as hostess gifts...I tied some greens and a bow on top!

  3. So glad you shared these. I love it all and need to make a trip out to Ikea too. Mine's not close by, but worth the trip for goodies like this. I'm doing red this year so these lanterns and stars are adorable.
    Darling little snowmen.
    Have fun! xo


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