Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mock Craft Fair Table

Has it really been over a week since I last posted?!  I've been so busy trying to get things ready for the craft fair this weekend.  I am working on a mock table as we speak, so I can have an idea of how I want to place things.
I thought this was a cute way to display my French clothes pins. The basket was a garage sale find from a couple of years ago and I love how the pins look in there.
Another garage sale find that I made over has found its way onto the table.  I'm tucking my tags in here.  My husband suggested putting in the shredded sheet music to prop them up.  I knew I kept him around for a reason.
I'm using a vintage Pepsi crate, mason jars and peat pots to hold my French script candles.
I whipped up these new tags over the weekend.  Whatever doesn't sell will end up back in my Etsy.  Fingers crossed.  I don't have a lot of luck selling on Long Island.  It appears most of my Etsy customers live outside of New York.  We shall see...



  1. Where is the craft fair lady? You can pm me :)

  2. I love the wooden tray with the candles. The candles are so pretty! I know how you crafers do it!

  3. I love all your pretties and the way you've displayed them.
    The script candles are very pretty. I hope you sell everything!


  4. You've come up with some great displays! I love how you used the shredded sheet music! Best of luck with your sale!!

  5. Great displays Jeanine. Wishing you a great sale. Hugs

  6. Good luck, Jeanine. Everything is so lovely I can't imagine people NOT buying your things! Fingers crossed. xo Diana

  7. I am so proud of you. You are amazing.


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