Friday, February 19, 2016

Countdown to Spring

It's that time of year again.  
The time when I start dreaming of spring and want to give Old Man Winter a kick in the pants.
Granted, it hasn't been a horrible winter here.  Still, I long for warm days, green grass and flip flops.
And did you notice Easter is early this year?
Easter in March.  
MARCH!!!!!  I know it comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, but there is something so un-natural about Easter in March in my mind.
So while I ponder if my boys will be hunting for Easter eggs in winter coats, I do my best to bring spring indoors...
And know that in just a few short weeks, it will officially arrive.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeanine, such an inspiring post for spring. I am so ready too and even though we've had warm days (like when I wrote my post) today is cold and rainy with high winds. Mr. Winter is giving us a blast of what we missed in our mild winter this year.
    Love your Easter and spring decor. Yes, Easter is early this year and running into St. Patrick's Day. I like it better in April.
    Have a good week. xo


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