Monday, February 8, 2016

The Little Guide to Mastering Your Sewing Machine ~ Review

When it comes to sewing, most of my projects rely on what I learned from Home Economics and my mom.  Truth be told, I wing it a lot of the time.  So when I was offered the chance to review The Little Guide to Mastering Your Sewing Machine by Sylvie Blondeau (from Schiffer Publishing), I jumped at the chance.
You see, I've had a mini sewing machine for a few years now, but I barely know how to use it.  Again, I've been winging it all this time. When the thread on the bottom runs out, I panic.  If a project calls for a Zigzag stitch, I stare blankly.  This book is truly for beginners or for those who want to become more familiar with their sewing machines.
I like the non-intimidating, easy-to-follow style of this book.  If something reads like an IRS manual, I toss it aside.  Blondeau speaks as if talking to a BFF, and I like how she covers everything from the basic anatomy of your sewing machine to how to comfortably sit while using it.
She covers everything from how to thread a needle to installing a zipper.
And check out some of these cool projects that for once I'm not intimidated to tackle.
I want this hat!
And these cushions.

The Little Guide to Mastering Your Sewing Machine is $24.99 and can be purchased here.


Note: I was provided a review copy of this book, however, all opinions, text, etc. are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeanine, this is a great helpmate for using your sewing machine. I think I finally have mine mastered but there is always something more to learn. Thanks for sharing and have fun sewing. Happy Valentine's Day this weekend. xo


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