Friday, September 30, 2016

Are My Comments Showing Up?

My brain is about to explode.  Seems I'm having trouble leaving comments on your blogs.

I've visited quite a few bloggy friends' blogs in the last few days and I have to ask: are my comments showing up?  My blog perpetually tells me to sign in.  So I do.  Then when leaving comments, I choose Google account to leave a comment - like I've always done.  But now I notice it's not saying your comment needs approval before appearing and on certain blogs, my comments no longer immediately show up.

Any idea what's going on?????  I left comments this morning on Homeroad, Pandora's Box and Southern Day Dreams.  Ladies, do you see my comments?



  1. Hi Jeanine, I just received your post in my inbox but I am not seeing your comment on my post or on the dashboard where it normally arrives for my blog. I don't know why it doesn't go to my inbox. Not sure what the problem is with google again. They've been making new changes and dropping many features.
    Hope you get it worked out. Thanks for stopping by even if I could see your comment.
    Happy Fall, xo

  2. comment left on mine either.....Blogger eliminated my snippets of my favorite blogs...It just took me an hour to replace it !! ughhh, it's crazy! I have no idea what is happening to you


Your comments mean so much to me - thank you!