Monday, January 16, 2017

~diy framed silhouettes~

I haven't done silhouettes of my boys since they were 4 and 2.  I still have them framed and in our guest room. Since they are now 11 and 9, I figured it was time to do some new ones.
I used the same method I did the first time.  I took profile pics of both my boys, printed out the pictures and then cut out their profiles.  I then used the cut-outs to make my silhouette images using black cardstock.
I've had the round frames forever and last used them for a Pottery Barn knock-off project.  I also already had the ampersand wood piece.  These were added to my photo gallery wall which goes up the staircase to the second floor, so it was kind of hard to take some good pictures.
This is my big guy.
And this is my little guy.
I'm amazed that they still pretty much have the same profiles they had at 2 and 4.  

This is such a sweet and simple project to do.  All you need are some kids (ha!), black frames, white paper, black cardstock, scissors and a printer.  


1 comment:

  1. That really is a sweet project to do. I did that once when my kids were little and those images were placed in their 'keepsake' boxes that I gave them when they were all young adults. xo Diana


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