Sunday, February 12, 2017

~ikea tea towel~

Got a bit of my crafting mojo back.  And since it's a cold, miserable Sunday, I didn't mind staying in and spending time in my craft room.
This project took me literally 5 minutes from start to finish.
You probably know how much I love Ikea's stripe towels.  I've used them in a ton of projects and I always have a bunch on hand. Today I used one along with TAP paper and this great image from the Graphics Fairy.
Simply print your image onto the TAP paper (reversing it first), cut out, iron on and voila: instant tea towel.

I love how it looks against the black towels I have hanging from the oven.  The best part: these towels cost about 79 cents a piece!



  1. I so wish we had an Ikea here in our area! That turned out really, really cute! xo Diana

  2. I love this idea!!
    Thanks to Diana I found your blog!!
    So where do you find TAP paper?? Can I order it online??

  3. Hi Nancy - I usually find TAP paper on Amazon but it's sold out everywhere for some reason! After that I prefer the transfer paper from Target. Not as good quality as the TAP paper but better than the ones I once got from Michaels.


  4. Love Ikea's towels too. This is really wonderful. Thanks for inspiring. Happy Valentine's Day. xo


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