Tuesday, March 7, 2017

~religious frames~

I'm sooooo ready for spring.  I don't know about you, but I feel like winter has zapped my motivation.  Most days I sit down to craft and I got nothing.  The most I've been able to eek out are these sweet religious frames.
I used two petite frames and these beautiful religious images.  Both are available in my Etsy.
I also did a copycat pillow from one I saw in Country Living magazine.  I think the cross should be bigger so I'm probably going to redo it.

And that's it.  I have a million ideas floating around in my mind, but I can't seem to get the nudge I need to get moving on them. Hopefully warmer weather is right around the corner as I have a ton of painting projects I want to get started on.



  1. I have so many ideas in my head, but also can't find the motivation!! Must be the dreary weather!!

  2. Cute pillow, Jeanine. I, too, am just sick of winter this year. UGH! xo Diana

  3. Yeayyyy, your still HERE in blog land, AND still sharing ideas!!! I just found you on, yes, Pinterest, lol! The Peat pot tutorial, and love it, and your headline to ur blog! Lol! I just commented on that post, but then noticed, as with MANY Pinterest posts, it's from yearssss ago! I had hoped u were still here, many bloggers are just gone, and their awesome blogs, or ideas, with them! So, I was wicked psyched to see ur still posting! Thanks for the inspiration! Can't wait to snoop thru your blog, but that may have to wait til the kiddo is in bed! ;) U def haven't seen the last of this like minded cheap b***h!!! Lol!


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