Friday, September 29, 2017

~halloween touches & picmonkey~

I started putting out some Halloween decor earlier this week.  Nevermind that it was 90 degrees.  A girl's gonna do what a girl's gonna do.  You might remember these painted wine bottles from last year.  I'm still loving their haunting Halloween look.  This is on our front porch.
This doormat is from Pottery Barn.  Not super happy as it ripped when I was taking it out of the packaging.  And now it's sold out.  Grrr...Can you see where it is or have I camouflauged it well?
Speaking of not being supper happy, I came to find out today that PicMonkey is no longer free.  Seriously.  You now have to sign up for a membership just to get a 7 day free trial.  I'm sure some hardcore, money-making blogs don't mind, but for my little blog, I'm not ready to be shelling out any money.  Sooooo...I found a nice FREE alternative in Ribbet.
Back to Halloween...I'm doing an Alice in Wonderland theme in our tea room/she-shed this year.  I picked up this lantern at Goodwill, gave it a few spritzes of white spray paint and added some tiny Alice pieces.
I'm still on the hunt for more things Alice, but so far I'm loving how it's turning out.

Have you started decorating for Halloween yet?


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