Wednesday, April 4, 2018

~where i've been~

I know I've been a little MIA lately.  I wish I had some fabulous reason - like I jetted off to Paris or that we won the lotto.  Sadly, the reason is a lot less interesting.  It's the weather.  
I'm not a winter girl and this year's weather has certainly put me in a funk.  I've had zero inspiration and zero energy.  I've long suspected that I have SAD (seasonal affective disorder).  I'm trying to shake it, but when they are forecasting snow - AGAIN! - it's hard to get back into your groove.
So where've I been?  Home, working the day jobs, being a mom, posting on Instagram and perusing Pinterest.  I did manage to put together this cute little Paris postcard wood plaque today.  I found the Dreams Factory image on The Graphics Fairy.  I simply printed it out on waterslide decal paper and added it to a wood plaque I had painted months ago.  
And I put together his bucket of faux cotton for our livingroom.  Not a lot, I know, but it felt good to do something creative.  I'm hoping things will warm up in the next couple of weeks and I can get back to doing something I truly love.  In the meantime, I'll just keep reminding myself: winter can't last forever...


1 comment:

  1. I get my waterslide decal paper from Amazon (it comes in laser printer or inkjet printer).


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