Monday, August 27, 2018

~i've been a very bad blogger~

Oh my!  I didn't realize I hadn't posted anything since July.  Yes, July!
It's always hard during the summer months for me to blog - with the boys being home and all.  Somehow I managed to tackle a bunch of projects though.  I just never seem to get around to posting them here.
If you follow me on Instagram (which I hope you do!), you probably know we took quite a few trips this summer (and have seen some of my summer projects).
Newport, Rhode Island was my favorite.  We were steps from the beach and just minutes from the mansions.
It was a blast seeing how the other half once lived.
How's that for a view?
And doesn't everyone push a button to ring their butler?  Hee hee!  Seriously though, my boys go back to school September 4th, so I'll be back to my regular blogging then.

In the meantime, let's all enjoy these last few days/weeks of summer.


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