Friday, September 14, 2018

~friday's thrifty finds~

I haven't done a thrifty find post in a while, have I?  I didn't hit many garage sales this summer and when I did, they were kind of a bust.  Our local church thrift store never disappoints, though.  Lookie what I grabbed today: orange & black books, slate chalkboards, basket o' pumpkins and a repro scale.  All for, wait for it...$4!
As you can see, I've already started re-working some finds.  Here are the books.  I hand-stamped the word autumn on the black one, added one of the faux pumpkins and have them stacked on a repurposed cake plate (also a thrift store find!).  Even the Scrabble pieces are from the thrift store.  I'm already working on the basket makeover too.
Have you seen these pretties at Target in the Dollar Spot?  I grabbed two sets of them before they sold out.  Each comes with 2 pumpkin plates for only $3.  Yes, please!

It feels good to be back to blogging and thrifting.  I missed both so much!


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