Wednesday, October 10, 2018

~more halloween touches~

If you're like me, you've probably seen a bunch of candy tin makeovers on Pinterest.  What I didn't know is that you can't really paint over them unless you burn them.  Yup, you need to burn off the existing paint to have a cleaner surface for glue and paint to stick to.  
So I asked Mr. Okio to break out his blow torch.  After he got done laughing at me (!), he simply used tongs and burned them over our stove burner.  Gee, why didn't I think of that?  Anywho, my first upcycle is above.
No blow torch was needed for this next project.  This is a thrift store makeover.  I picked up the little faux slate sign a few weeks ago.  I gave it a few coats of black chalk paint and then simply wrote my creepy message.  Yes, I have the handwriting of a 6 year old.  Sigh!
This welcome mat is from Pottery Barn (last year).  My spiffy shoes are from Target.
These were super easy: Mason jars specimen jars.  The images are courtesy of the Graphics Fairy.  I'm making a bunch more just to add in random spots about the house.

How are your Halloween decorations coming along?!


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