Thursday, January 3, 2019

~upcycled bedspring~

A few months ago while driving my boys to school, I spied a bedspring on the side of the road.  Let's just say I could not stop my car fast enough and load it in.
It was your standard brown bedspring, and it's been sitting in our garage awaiting the end of the holiday season.  Once January 1st came around, I got busy.
I started by giving it a few coats of white paint - on both sides.  Once it was dry, I lugged it inside and started adding some embellishments like the number tag on top.  Since Valentine's Day is around the corner, I decided to start by giving it some love.
The LOVE banner I made a few years ago.  It fits perfectly!  Then I just started adding some old black & white photos of mine and my husband's parents, book pages (French poetry and Romeo & Juliet), wood clothespins and other pieces.
My parents on their wedding day.
My father-in-law.
French poetry book paper.

I'm super excited by how it turned out.  I can't wait to decorate it for each season and holiday.  I haven't decided whether or not to hang it up, so for now it's in our guest room.

Total cost for this project: $4.99 for white spray paint.  I had everything else I needed.



  1. I love it and it doesn't seem to big.

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