Friday, January 25, 2019

~upcycled chalkboard~

There is a fun, little secret behind this upcycled mini chalkboard.  It is yet another thrift store find of mine.  The backside is riddled with crayon marks, but that didn't stop me from seeing its potential.
I way lying in bed thinking about it - seriously!  I was wondering how I could print out the word eat and add it to this little pretty.  Clear sticker paper wasn't going to give me the look I wanted.  Neither was Mod Podge.
Then it came to me!  I clicked on over to Pinterest and found a chalkboard template.  Using Windows Paint, I typed out the letters and hoped for the best after I hit print.  And it worked!
Yes, you are looking at a faux chalkboard image!  Amazingly it looks like the real thing and fit perfectly to size.  All I did was glue it on and distress the edges of the wood frame.  After patting myself on the back a few times for achieving the look I wanted, I quickly popped it into the wood tote on my kitchen counter.  I'm love, love, loving how it came out.
I'm sharing the pdf of it, in case you want to make your own!  Just right click on the image and save to your computer.


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