Thursday, September 24, 2020

~diy halloween~

This is definitely my most favorite time of year.  The weather is cooler and the creative juices are flowing.  Most of what I'm sharing with you are under 5 (minutes) DIYs.

First up is this cute little crow frame.  I saw something similar on Pinterest, and since I had the frame and faux crow, I decided to make my own version.  The frame was originally red for Christmas, but I gave it a few coats of orange spray paint for Halloween.  I hot glued the crow to the frame and added a soda can tab to the back to be able to hang it.  It's happily residing on the front porch.

Next up is this absinthe prayer candle.  Absinthe is a highly alcoholic beverage that was banned at one point.  I don't dabble in drinking, but I do love the design of this old ad.  It's perfect for Halloween.  I used the candle, image and Mod Podge, and was done in literally 2 minutes.

And speaking of perfect are these sugar cubes in a metal cauldron?!  The cauldron was a thrift store find.  The absinthe sugar cubes are from eBay ($7.95 for 20 packs).  I never realized how perfect green is for Halloween!

Those are just a few of my Halloween touches this year.  Stay tuned for more...


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