Monday, October 26, 2020

~first christmas projects for the season~

Raise your hand if you're already working on Christmas projects!  I definitely am - starting with this simple joy metal placecard.  All you need are some Scrabble tiles, a hot glue gun and the metal piece of your choice.  Just be careful: hot glue + metal = I may or may not have burned my finger.  Ouch!

I went old school for these next pieces.  I jokingly asked Mr. OkioB if we had any label makers.  A short trip to the garage and my hero came out with these bad boys.  I knew I kept him around for some reason!

Label makers + metal placecards = industrial chic/steampunk "angels."  My hero was even sweet enough to cut out the metal angel "wings" for me.  I added a simple snowflake to the other one, and used hot glue to attach the "halos."

I must admit, these small projects definitely got the creative juices flowing again.  The struggle has been real thanks to Co-Vid and way too much home time.  I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I can't wait for 2020 to be a distant memory...


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