Sunday, January 17, 2021

~diy target gumball machine~

Have you seen all the buzz on Instagram about Target's $3 ceramic gumball machine?  They are super cute and terribly difficult to find.  Some people are even re-selling them for triple the price - or more!  I don't know about you, but I don't have time for that.
After hitting a few local stores and coming up empty handed, I decided to make my own.  Here's what you need: a fishbowl (found at Dollar Tree), a metal pail (this one was a thrift store find) and a Mason jar lid.  (I didn't use the Mason jar lid for this one because I found something else that worked.)
Spray paint the pail and the lid the color of your choice.  I chose black because I'm thinking ahead to Halloween.  Once those pieces are dry, hot glue the bowl to the bottom (now the top) of the pail.  Add your candy and lid, and you're done!  You can embellish however you like.
I also made this one a few days ago after seeing @woodcraftbyjewlz make one.  For this one, I used a fishbowl, a plastic cup and sugar lid.  Following the same steps above.
I really love how they both turned out.  And they pretty much cost $3 in total to make.
If you don't feel like making your own, these mini gumball machines are just $1 at Walmart.

Drop me a line if you decide to make one of your own!


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