Tuesday, May 24, 2011

PB Knockoff Wall Art

I was so excited when the new Pottery Barn catalog arrived in our mailbox today.  So many goodies, where does one begin?!  When I flipped to this page, I knew a knockoff was in the works:
Photo courtesy of Pottery Barn

I printed off a number of images from The Graphics Fairy and added them to some black garage sale and Ikea frames.  Here's my version laid out on the floor:
The boots one is from a book I got at a library book sale.  I'm still on the lookout for an old purse image to finish up the collection and maybe add some smaller frames from the dollar store.

Once my husband adds hooks to the backs, I'll be able to arrange them on the wall. 

Linking to Savvy Southern Style: Wow Wednesday.



  1. I agree with Kathy. I can't believe how close the images from Graphics Fairy match up with the Pottery Barn images! Great job!!

  2. Awesome! I'm planning something like this for my living room. Yours is great!

  3. I think I like your knock-off better. Thanks for visiting my blog, and for following. Ditto.

  4. Fantastic! I love your knock-off.
    Anne xx

  5. The funny thing is...when I looked at my catalog and saw those pictures, I immediately thought of you and The Graphics Fairy! Good job on your knock-off.

  6. Wonderful job!!!

    barbara jean

  7. You should submit this to Knock Off Decor! They just featured me and the details are on my blog now!

  8. WOW...do you work fast!! This looks better than the PB grouping. I am having trouble with "following" again and can't even "see" my own followers...so as soon as it is fixed, I will be following you on this new blog - til then, you are bookmarked!

  9. Jeanine,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, your kind words and becoming my 50th follower! Very neat!

    I went over and visited your blog and now I am your newest follower, ha!

    Looks like you have some neat projects going on to!! I love your old blog name..."Once Cheap Bitch"! That pretty much sums me up. My husband accuses me of this all the time but I tell him he should be lucky!

    Looking forward to keeping in touch,


  10. This is great! I think it looks better than the original. Great job!

  11. LOVE this! What a great collection of images.

  12. Yes!!! Love these! You did good!!!
    Hugs, Diane

  13. Jeanine, these are great!



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