Thursday, May 26, 2011

Precious Garage Sale Find

I just couldn't resist getting this little christening dress at a recent garage sale.  Since I have two boys, I'm just guessing it's a christening gown but perhaps some sweet little girl wore this on Easter Sunday or another special occasion?!  Either way, it's adorable.
Here she is hanging up in our guest room which has a bit of a vintage theme going.  That's where my vintage camera and typewriter are and this fabulous stroller that my husband got me many moons ago as an Xmas present.  I've always adored vintage children's toys and the like.  Isn't it lovely?
Here's another view:
With the holiday weekend quickly approaching, I'm hoping there will still be some garage sales to venture out to.



  1. Love it, how precious is that lil dress-
    FOund Ya- love the new blog

  2. awesome finds, from whenever it was. =)


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