Thursday, July 7, 2011

French Makeover for Garage Sale Jar

I've been really bad this week in terms of getting to my craft to do list.  Truth be told, my husband and I were watching the Casey Anthony trial - literally from day one three years ago! - and we were both a bit shell-shocked this week by the verdict.  I think it's a terrible tragedy for the little girl and I just can't believe the outcome.  And I promise that's all the venting I will do!  On to my latest project:
I got this little jar from a garage sale a few weeks ago.  It has such an odd shape that nothing seemed to be sitting right on it.  So I simply, tore out a page from an old French poetry book, ripped it all around and distressed it for a more aged look.  I mod podged it to the front of the jar.  Normally I'll do another coat on the front to "seal" the image but I thought that would take away from the aged look for this particular jar.
I looped the key onto some twine and then tied that around and around the top of the jar.  Finish up with some dry flowers and done!  I'm debating whether or not to leave it in the bathroom or use it on my kitchen counter.  Decisions, decisions...



  1. Make another one, and do both. It looks great. P.S. I'm ticked off about the verdict too.

  2. I like it and very sweet in the bathroom. that trial I couldn't watch it but are you kidding me the verdict.

  3. I , too watched the trial since day one. It is so sad that it turned out this way! I was sick to my stomach when the verdict came in.
    I love your make overs....I think you should write a book proposal and send it to a publisher.....people love recycling and redoing.
    Hudson's Holidays

  4. Love your blog!!! and your great ideas.

    I too am saddened by the verdict, I just know that that sweet baby is in the arms of Jesus and she is joyful in those arms!


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