Thursday, July 21, 2011

Upcycled Goodwill Frames

Woohoo!  Sorry but I can't contain my excitement that the men are away for the weekend.  Of course I miss my little guys terribly but I'm getting so much done since they left this morning.  Finally, some much-needed craft time!  I literally just finished up these Goodwill picture frames a little while ago. 
Here is the before with the lovely 3-tier pastry thing-y I also picked up from GW.  That's undergoing it's own makeover tonight!  But before I get to the reveal, I just want to ask: has anyone else noticed that the price of frames have shot up?   I mean even the ones at Walmart are over $5 and those are for a mere 5x7 size.  Oh well.  I guess I'll just have to keep grabbing them at GW and spray painting them white or black:
I ran out of flat white spray so I had to use gloss.  I'm not normally a big fan of gloss paint but I do like how it looks with the vintage French map images I printed from The Graphics Fairy.  Light and airy!  Just the look I was hoping for!

I'm also busy adding new items to my Etsy shop.  Now that the candle madness has died down a little, I hope to get as much done while the kiddies are away.



  1. Those look cool! Where are you going to put them?

  2. The frames and the maps are perfect together. Glad you are getting some "me" time to create! Sounds like you are going to get a lot accomplished.

  3. Love the map graphics framed in the white. Enjoy your free creative time.


  4. The frames look fantastic. I love the maps also. Your cloche in the previous post is wonderful with the key displayed. Love it. Thanks so much for the visit and the gracious comment. Hugs, Marty


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