Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday's Thrifty Finds and a Dilemna...

Does this ever happen to you: you have a hard time finding something you collect and then once you find it, you see it everywhere?  Case in point, I found some vintage Jello molds on Etsy a few months ago, bought em and now, lo and behold, I see them everywhere.  So of course when I popped by the local thrift store today, guess what I found?
Yup, you guessed it: more vintage Jello molds.  Ha!  Of course I couldn't just leave them there.  It was $5 for the entire set including the smaller sized non-Jello tins.  I also picked up another vintage lace doily, a bag o' buttons for 50 cents and some string to add to my toolbox caddy.

Now for the dilemna: can I sell these new found Jello molds on Etsy or will the other seller think I'm re-selling the ones I bought from them?  How does one tactfully approach this or do I just throw caution to the wind and say what the heck, I know they are not the ones I bought from them.  Touchy situation, no?



  1. It is a free market place so why not resell the whole works. people buy and sell all the time go for it girl.

  2. Go for it!! I used to sell on ebay & I saw this all the time!!!

  3. I say go for it! The person probably won't even notice :) And even if they do, oh well!

  4. Go for it! The other seller won't even notice...if she does then she's got too much time on her hands!

  5. You're right ~ that could be tricky. Everyone seems to say "yes", though, so maybe give it a try.


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